in this blog. I had wanted to do a careful
exegesis of 2 Corinthians, but have been
distracted from this, so that I have now neglected
this blog for some time.
The reasons for my distractions are good - at
least for me. Even though I have not yet found a
place to be involved in full time ministry, I do
have a number of ministry assignments that have
been consuming my attention. The first is an
opportunity to speak at an Open Doors Partner's
Forum in Ontario later this month. For those of
you who don't know, Open Doors is a ministry that
ministers to the persecuted church. 90% of all
pastors in persecuted countries have no Bible
training at all. Open Doors has asked me to come
and speak about God's meticulous sovereignty
and the reality of a suffering church. If there is
some future opportunity to be of some service
here, I am deeply gratified.
In November, I will be away to Germany teaching
the book of Galatians at "Bibleschule Brake", and
excellent Christian college. It is because I have
very few notes on Galatians, and the need to be
ready for this assignment, that I have neglected
my blog on 2 Corinthians. I wish to apologize to
those of you who have waited for my next
installment. But from my vantage point, the
opportunity of teaching has come as a gift from
God at a period in which I asked the Lord whether
I was to be used by him at all. I am deeply
thankful for this opportunity.
In December, I will be away again to a country
where Christians are being persecuted, and will be
teaching the book of Romans to underground
church leaders. Again, I am thankful for this
When I return, Rob Goddard, senior pastor at
Cloverdale Baptist Church has asked me to preach
a Christmas message on Sunday, December 21. I
am thankful for the opportunity to preach in a
pulpit again, if only for one week.
All this to say that I have - as of yet - not been
given a direction as to what the future holds. But
in the meantime, God has graciously allowed me
the joy of fruitful ministry. Please pray for Kathy
and I, as we continue to pray for all those to
whom we have had the joy of ministering to over
the years.
Pastor John
Posted 11th October 2014 by Pastor John Neufeld
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