Jesus was there, they came, not only on account of
him but also to see Lazarus, whom he had raised
from the dead.
So the chief priests made plans to put Lazarus to
death as well, because on account of him many of
the Jews were going away and believing in Jesus."
John 12:9-11
The Saturday night before Palm Sunday (tomorrow)
is the anniversary of Mary, the sister of Lazarus,
anointing Jesus with costly ointment in an
extravagant display of her love for him. Jesus said
it would always be remembered about her, and
obviously, it is.
The setting of that special gift was at a dinner that
Lazarus and his sisters gave for Jesus in their home
that evening, as the Sabbath was coming to a
close. It wasn't just a meal for the family, the
disciples, and Jesus, although they are clearly in
focus. Apparently others of their neighbors came--
and not just a few. The clearly stated reason is in
our text. It was only a matter of days (or at most a
few weeks) since Jesus had raised Lazarus from
the dead. Talk about a rock star! Had this
happened today, Lazarus would have been on every
news and talk show imaginable. They didn't have
such things then, but people had heard about it, and
then heard that Jesus, the miracle worker himself,
was back at the home of this family in Bethany. So
they came in large numbers. I don't know if they fed
them all, but I wouldn't put it past Martha.
However, some of those who knew all about it were
not there and were not fans. They were the
religious leaders of the Jewish nation in Jerusalem.
What they saw distressed them greatly. People were
moving toward Jesus because of the newly raised
Lazarus. Rather than let the miracle touch their
hearts or even challenge their thinking, they came
up with what they believed was the only sensible
solution. Since they didn't want people believing in
Jesus, they didn't want them to see evidence that he
should be believed in. Lazarus was, right now,
Exhibit A; therefore, Jesus had to die, but to make
sure his legend didn't live on, Lazarus had to go
back to the grave, too.
Imagine that. People hate you because a miracle
gave you life. Just his being alive was enough to
want him dead.
Reading the story again made me think. All around
each of us are other believers, and we all are those
who have been raised from spiritual death by Christ
(and with Christ). We are, in a real sense all a
"spiritual Lazarus," called out of the grave. And in a
real way, our lives ought to be just as much a
testimony of the power of Jesus as his--so that we
would become dangerous to the kingdom of
Now I know, you can't see being spiritually raised
to life like you can see a physical raising. But just a
minute. It was the fact that Lazarus was showing all
the signs of life that made him the miracle. Are
there signs of spiritual life that should be evidence
that we have experienced the miracle of new life? I
think you know there are.
Faith in Jesus
Trust in his Word
Love for other Christians
Faithful witness to the gospel
Growing hatred of sin
Increasing joy in holiness
The fruit of the Spirit
That is just a start. And I might suggest that these
signs may be enough to put you in danger! Not
from Jewish religious leaders, but from a greater
enemy. Satan hates to see the evidences of spiritual
life, and he will do all he can to kill them off in you.
He may stir up unbelievers to persecute and
threaten you, as he has done in so many places and
eras. But he may also throw all sorts of
temptations, discouragements and challenges your
way as well. He hates you for the life you show. If
he can't keep Jesus dead (and he couldn't), he will
do his best to stop you and your life from being
seen. Why? Because just like Lazarus, your life
might also be enough to draw others to Jesus.
Let's live out the reality of what we are--alive from
the dead, to the glory of our Savior!
Sometimes just being a witness to Jesus' power is
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