Thursday, July 11, 2019

๐Ÿƒโ€โ™€๏ธ๐Ÿƒโ€โ™€๏ธAre you running ahead of God on your blog?

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Hey Jesus Blogger!

Have you wondered if you are running ahead of God on your blog?

  • Your fingers are poised to hit the "PURCHASE" button on some BIG purchase that you REALLY want...but...something...nags at you.
  • Have you made commitments to other bloggers (or your audience) that you just can't keep?
  • Did that one course that EVERYONE swears will increase your blog 100x over (and pay for itself)...just didn't, even though you went through it perfectly?

Maybe your making business decisions on your Christian blog WITHOUT the blessing of God.

While the above scenarios ARE NOT ALWAYS an indication of running ahead of God....lemme give you some definite warning signs and symptoms of the "run-ahead-itis" disease of Christian bloggers.

It's imperative that we really dig deep into our hearts (sifting through the lies of the Devil who definitely wants to keep you from blogging) and make sure we are building our blogs on a FIRM foundation of Jesus Christ.

And trust me. I'm your friend on this. I'm the queen of running ahead of God. I love making decisions, promises and dreaming big dreams. While these aren't horrible attributes for a blogger; they are some character traits I have to keep in check...daily (oh, who am I kidding...hourly!)

Here are some questions to ask yourself to test to see if you are running ahead of God.

#1 Am I Enjoying the Season I'm In?

I'm constantly reminding bloggers to remember and respect the season they are in, albeit, as a blogger, mom, wife, single, employee...whatever.

If you are finding yourself overly frustrated with you blog, not managing your household well, or dreaming of the day you can quit your day job to the point it's making you unhappy, these are signs you aren't working WITH God...but against His purposes for your life.

Emotions are important keys to reveal what's going on in our hearts. They don't dictate our actions, but they should influence them. Emotions aren't bad. They are God-given barometers for our lives.

Feeling content and happy in your specific season indicates you are following the lead of your Creator. Like a dance, things should flow relatively smoothly - emotions included. Sure, there are bound to be bumps in the road, but you should overcome them after a few steps to regain your footing.

Despite the constant need we might have to "change the world" with our words...the real change in your journey as a blogger is the change it creates in your relationship with God.

Learning to be content is VERY important character trait the LORD is trying to work in all of us...and he'll use your blog to do it.

"I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want." Philippians 4:11-12

#2 Are Things Lining Up?

When you are working WITH God, in tandem with His will, things start to line up.

You meet the right people. You suddenly are blessed to purchase that ticket to that blog conference you've been dying to go to. Your husband gives you the night off to "get coffee & blog."

While it's not always a perfectly straight line to get all the proverbial ducks in a row, it should NOT look like your butting your head against the wall over and over.

I have this one scene that always plays in my head when I think about running ahead of God.

My best friend, at the time, was living with me. She desperately wanted to go to college in a certain city. She was currently attending college in the same city I was. Every night she spent all hours on Google (or maybe it was at the time. -- eek! Dating myself!) trying to figure out all the ways she could make it happen.

I don't mean to throw her under the bus, because I have DEFINITELY done the same a lot! But the scene is so vivid for me because I watched her -- it was like I was watching myself. It was a wake-up call to me.

That's what it looks like to run ahead of God...endless Google searches with no resolution.

Eventually, she DID go to the college in the city of her dreams...but it didn't necessarily come from all those late nights on Google.

"And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28

#3 Are You Experiencing Good Fruit?

While I don't believe that every person that God calls to blog is magically going to make it big-time...there should be fruit in your labor. In some way, you should be able to measure growth. That might be in an email from a reader, an increase in followers, or money. But beware of only judging success on fame and fortune because the Bible indicates that FRUIT looks like: Love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.

In contrast, we should also realize that running ahead of God could look like bad fruit.

We have to remember the story of Abraham and Sarah before they had Isaac. God made them a promise, but they didn't believe it. They ran ahead of God and had a son via the handmaid Hagar. This lack of trust has had repercussions that are still playing out in our world today. Don't let that be you.

In a blogger's life, this might be a purchase made that couldn't be paid for. Or a promise made that you had to back out of.

"I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. If you do not remain in me, you are like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned. If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. This is to my Father's glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples." John 15:5-8

Solutions to Running Ahead of God

So, what are the solutions for running ahead of God? How can we STOP and wait on HIS timing?


Patience - just flex that muscle of enjoying the wait. Look around and ask God to show you what you are missing in THIS SEASON of life.

Fasting - sometimes the LORD is waiting to speak to us...but we are so filled with things of this world, He won't pour into us.

Trust - remember that HE called you to blog, not the other way around. The Bible says that He's faithful to complete that work began in us!

Prayer - asking God his opinion on your situation, then listening for His answer.

Did you enjoy this email? The inspiration for this post is from the Bible study "Becoming" by my friends at - it's a collection articles by woman of all different seasons that will empower and equip you to dream, discover, and ignite your own unique purpose. Pick up your copy today!

And as always, hit reply with any questions or comments or thoughts you might have!


P.S. I've opened up my schedule to take on 10 more bloggers for a personal blog assessment. The SALE PRICE is $35 for a 20 video of me (gently) critiquing your blog and giving you specific recommendations. Get them soon as spaces fill up fast! Click here to purchase!

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