Monday, March 4, 2019

Its march

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Fine it's March, but I'm Still Feeling
That February Love
I'm always surprised by how many people seem to
hate February, when I tend to like it, and this year, I
would daresay love it. Everyone's entitled to their
opinion, of course, but here's why they are wrong ;)
and why I love this month...
Short Month
On the first day of February in Boston, the sun set
at 4:58 pm. On the last day of February, the sun
will set at 5:32. This is the month that I really
feeeeeeeeel those extra minutes of daylight after a
bleak and dark winter, like a little promise of hope.
Compared to January and March, which seem to be
long months for me, February is a little blip of a
month that goes by much too fast. And this year,
we've had such dry weather that the winter is
pleasurable. I've been running outside more days
than not, which is a rare winter treat! Treadmills are
Valentine's Day
Who doesn't love love? Probably the same people
who don't love February, ha! I know that Hallmark
and Hersheys make out like bandits on this holiday,
but that doesn't bother me. It's always nice to take
a moment and let those you love know how you
feel, and we will take any excuse for a date night
for any reason! Valentine's Day, sure! World
Marriage Day, great! Chinese New Year, why not?
President's Day, yes sir! (All FEBRUARY holidays,
by the by.) February is the life of the party!
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