Monday, March 4, 2019

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Pearls before swine..
My life isn't glamorous.
I know that comes as a big shock to
everybody, since geeks in general are seen
as the crème de la crème of society, and
the common perception is that we live
the life of rock-stars and party all night
with all the other glamorous people.
Not so.
I sit in my office (which used to be in the
basement, now it's a room above the
garage), usually in my ratty bathrobe,
reading and writing email all day. And a
lot of wasting time while waiting for
people to answer or just report problems.
I go to bed at ten, and wake up at seven
to get the kids to school. And then it all
So not glamorous. When I actually write
code (which is usually in the mail reader
these days - mostly telling people "do it
like this" rather than actually writing real
code), that's about the most exciting part
of the day.
But then, once in a while, I get to live the
high life. This weekend, we got invited to
the Night Before Oscar party (thanks
Renée and Doug!) because sometimes the
companies I work with apparently think
that I need to get a night out.
Toto, I don't think we're talking white-
socks-and-sandals any more.
So me and the wife were completely out
of our depth, and knew absolutely
nobody. We go out for a date night every
week, so we a fair number of movies, but
we really aren't movie people - the kinds
of movies we go to don't make a huge
impression. So there we were, cram-
packed with celebrities, not remembering
names or faces.
The good news was, that as Tove said,
there was no real downside. Nobody
knew us, and nobody would ever
remember us the next day. So we could
go whole retard quite openly, and
brazenly just ask people "You look really
familiar, who are you?". Which we did.
With some discreet google image searches
when we could guess, and just wanted to
verify it ("John Cusack or Paul Rudd?").
Everybody seemed to take it in good
cheer. We interrupted David Spade
chatting up Natalie Portman and Mila
Kunis (that's what Tove says, I was
oblivious - it's those famous geek social
graces again. I told her I'm sure I'd have
noticed Natalie Portman and that she
can't possibly have been there, but
whatever), and Tove pissed off Warren
Beatty by asking his name not just once,
but twice .
So here's a shout-out to my new BFF's Jon
Hamm and DJ.
We probably won't be invited again. But
we have pictures for the kids, to prove to
them that their parents are cool people.
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