Hola Jesus Blogger! So, yesterday I talked about why your blog might not be growing. Bottom line: You aren't spending time with Jesus. You need to cut out all the noise. Today, I'm going to tackle an issue very near and dear to my heart. Those of you who are doing (most) everything right and still aren't seeing success. You're praying. You're fasting. You have balance in your home/work life. You're pinning. Your posting. Your networking....
Friday, June 28, 2019
Thursday, June 27, 2019
🌱🌱Is This Why Your Blog Isn't Growing? Part 1🌱🌱
Hey Jesus Blogger! The LORD has been tugging on my heart to email you. I was sitting out on my red porch swing in the Texas heat with my cup of coffee (yes, I drink hot coffee in 90 degree weather) just praying. And suddenly I knew what the LORD wanted to say to all you who blog your little hearts out for Jesus. Some of you want your blogs to grow but aren't seeing growth. You're pushing hard. Doing all the things. But nothing....
Friday, June 21, 2019
💵Ain't No Time Like the Weekend to Learn Shopify💵
Hey Shopify Peeps, Don't let the Shopify course just sit there! Dive in! You are literally minutes away from starting your own shop. Don't let procrastination get the best of you! There's money to be made, products to sell and things to get done. With the FREE 14-Day Shopify Trial, you can play around and if you decide it's not for you, you can cancel it! If you read my email from yesterday, you know that I'm a one woman show (and...
Thursday, June 20, 2019
Are you a one woman show?
Hey Jesus Bloggers, Are you a one woman show? Do you do the social media, the writing, the editing, the promoting, and the design for your blog? If so, can I tell you a secret? Me, too. Can I tell you another secret? There are millions of us. One more secret? If you are a one woman show you have GOT to STOP trying to get "team" results when it's just you. Especially, if you are responsible for any of the following items: ...
Tuesday, June 18, 2019
ALERT: Is Pinterest Blocking Your Christian Blog?
Hey Jesus Bloggers! HUGE NEWS happened this past week. An insider who worked at Pinterest was fired for leaking news that Pinterest is IN FACT blocking Christian and pro-life pins. Pinterest is listing those pins as "porn." And if you think it's just people like me (on my main blog of RadicalChristianWoman.com) where the content is a little more radical...it's not...it's affect seemingly benign Christian pins. Here are...
Want to be part of the 800+ club?

The Perfect FICO 850 A good credit score could save you thousands of dollars over your lifetime. The higher your credit score, the more likely you will qualify for the best interest rates available. That means a cheaper mortgage and better credit card rewards. It takes time and patience to build a great credit score. When you do finally get that three digit number over 800, you'll be able to...
Monday, June 17, 2019
🙏Your Christian Blog IS Making a Difference🙏
Hey Jesus Blogger! Ever wonder if your Christian blog is even worth the time? You press "PUBLISH" and then crickets. You pray. And nothing. It's like you are hitting a brick wall. Your pageviews look dismal. Your social media posts don't get any comments. And when they do...it's from bots. Ugh. Let's all just go eat worms, why don't we? Christian blogging is different than regular blogging because you are passionate about Jesus...but...
🛒🛒Your Free Shopify Course is Ready🛒🛒
I know it's a little late...but believe me, I think it's been worth the wait. So, let me tell you how this is going down: You need to "purchase" the Shopify Course here: (USE THE COUPON CODE: JBSHOPFREE) After purchasing you'll receive a link & be prompted to make a course profile Sign up for a FREE 14-Day Trial of Shopify here (affiliate link) to follow along with the course. And that's it. If you experience ANY problems...
Tuesday, June 11, 2019
What are you struggling with?

This email is short but it's very important. We need you to answer one question for us: Is there anything you want us to write or podcast about?To be honest, quite a lot of the things we create come directly from the emails that people have sent us asking to cover a certain topic. That's why we created Investment Types: An Illustrated Guide, Is Buying a House a Good Investment? and How Managing Money...
Sunday, June 9, 2019
OMG!! Harrysong Rushed
To The Hospital For Food
Poisoning (Photo)
Nigeria singer, Harrysong has been
hospitalized in Ghana following the report that
he ate food poison.
The singer who is on a tour in Ghana is
reported to have eaten a food that doesn’t do
well with him. he was rushed to the hospital
after he complained of stomach ache and eye
problem a source confirmed.
The former five-star recording artist has
dropped only one single this yea...
310 Ideas for Starting a Small Business
by Janet Attard
Last Updated: May 15, 2019Looking for business ideas for starting your own small business? Here is a list of 310 business startup ideas plus tips on how to choose the best type of business for you, personally, to start.
Image source: Photospin
Are you looking for small business startup ideas? Do you want to start your own business, but aren't sure what kind of...